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Browsing advices
The search engine was then provided with some additional features in order to better guide the learner/worker in the identification of the right path to follow, and to support users during the process of populating the knowledge base.
Specifically, concerning learner/worker tools, several profile navigation pages were developed: by following the links shown in these pages, it is possible to browse a profile (Figure 7), e.g. with the aim of identifying relevant information regarding a qualification proposed by another country. As a matter of example, the identification of differences between the Italian and the Dutch systems could be achieved by considering Figure 7 and Figure 8 together.
Figure 7. Components of an Italian Competenza.
Figure 8. Elements Competence components and Work processes of a Dutch qualification.
For what it concerns the population of the knowledge base, the insertion of keywords and weights linked to each element of a qualification by the experts is a task that requires a lot of time and energy and should in principle be supported by a tool able to automatically assign keywords to sentences inserted by the user. Thus, during the S.E.S.A.M.O. project, a prototype of a semi-automatic annotation tool was developed. This feature allows the user, once a sentence has been typed, to automatically visualize suggested keywords, to chose the one to use, and to decide whether it is better to further specify a sentence by adding additional keywords (Figure 9). It is worth remarking that the semi-automatic annotation tool, in order to express its full potential, needs to be supported by a well defined thesaurus; in the project, however, only a subset of words concerning the ICT field have been defined and inserted in the knowledge base.
Figure 9. Semi-automatic annotation on data inserted manually by the user.